Holy Basil Tea for Anxiety (Tulsi Tea)

Jill at PanicFreeMe.com wrote about Holy Basil Tea and how it helped with her anxiety.  I’ve had it a while but had not given it a real try until today.

I did drink it before, but only on really stressful days, days that I also took ativan.  So I didn’t really know if it was helping or not.

This is the week my hormones are in overdrive and I feel like my skin is crawling.  This is the hardest week of the month.   I really don’t want to depend on ativan every day this week!  So I made myself some tea this morning.

I love it!  I will definitely be drinking this more often!

This is the link to what I bought on amazon:  Organic India Tulsi Tea 

I have no idea why it is called both Holy Basil Tea And Tulsi Tea.  I could probably google it but don’t really care to I guess.  Ha.  All I know is it was nice.  It was not like I got a buzz or anything like that.  I just felt calmer soon after I drank it.  That’s all.  And that’s what I needed.

Now, wondering where I can buy this in bulk….  It’d be nice to find it some place local.

Jill also mentioned that you are supposed to be able to chew on the holy basil leaves too.  Strangely, I think I’d like that.  I like chewing on sunflower seed shells, so why not tea leaves right?

I might have to try some thing like this:  Loose Leaf Herbal Tea with Holy Basil

Thanks Jill :)

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This blog is my personal journal. I am trying hard to save my marriage. No, I am trying to build a great marriage. In case you haven't heard, marriage is HARD!
I am fighting back against anxiety & panic attacks. This is year 5 of this adventure. I am also codependent. I am an ACOA. Fun, Fun. I am trying hard to become a better me.