More About Introverts


Are you an Introvert?

Wondering if you are an introvert too?

Read this article – 31 Unmistakable Signs That You’re An Introvert



Weekend Here I Come

If you read the comments on my last post, you know I didn’t go to the camp with my family.  I don’t like it.  They do.  I decided to worry about me for a change and do what I needed to do for my sanity.

Tonight I have been running around like a looney doing dishes and laundry and all that stuff.  I’m going to read a few blogs, eat some ice cream, watch some TV and got to bed.  It is community yard sale days in town and my BFF talked me into coming in for a while in the morning so I have to be up early at 6am.

I’m just taking a few things to the yard sale cuz I didn’t have time to get a bunch of stuff together.  Mainly I am going to keep her company and so we can hang out a while.  Of course I want to be busy so we can sell our crap, but it’ll be just fine if we just sit and gab for a few hours too!

Then I’ll come home and get busy working.

After they left tonight I went to the store for a few splurges.  I bought a small container of chocolate milk, some Bing cherries, a pint of ice cream, a quart of strawberries, and some dark chocolate, and a bag of pretzels.  I love cruched up pretzels on my ice cream!   Oh, and a thin crust  spinach and 4 cheese pizza that I love and no one else ever does :)

I’m going to relax a bit tonight, socialize a bit in the morning, and then be a busy bee the rest of the weekend.  I will get a bunch of work done for my job of course but I got a few boxes and plan to start decluttering at high speed too.  lol  I’m sick of this feeling overwhelmed and the clutter around me is growing and making it worse!

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This blog is my personal journal. I am trying hard to save my marriage. No, I am trying to build a great marriage. In case you haven't heard, marriage is HARD!
I am fighting back against anxiety & panic attacks. This is year 5 of this adventure. I am also codependent. I am an ACOA. Fun, Fun. I am trying hard to become a better me.